Our Success Stories!

See, What we delivered. ON TIME, WITH QUALITY

black hat bucks tech expertise

Planzo is a comprehensive application designed to streamline organization and planning for individuals, teams, and businesses. With its intuitive interface and robust features, Planzo empowers users to efficiently manage tasks, projects, schedules, and deadlines, ensuring smooth operations and optimal productivity.

Duration : 5 months

Business domain : Event creation

Service provided : UI/UX Designing, Development, Testing, Maintenance & Support

Technologies : React native, Redux, Axious, mongoDB

bhbt play store

GoWithCar.com is a startup of self-drive car rental services currently providing self-drive car rental services in Indore, India, and coming soon in other metro cities in India.

Duration : 4 months

Business domain : Travel & Local

Service provided : UI/UX Designing, Development, Testing, Maintenance & Support

Technologies : React native, Redux, Axious, FireStore

website url :

bhbt play store
black hat bucks tech expertise
black hat bucks tech expertise

Introducing New Bharat, the ultimate shopping app that brings the best deals and discounts to your fingertips! With a vast collection of products ranging from electronics, fashion, home decor, and more, New Bharat is the one-stop shop for all your shopping needs.

Duration : 2 months

Business domain : Shopping

Service provided : UI/UX Designing, Development, Testing, Maintenance & Support

Technologies : React native, FireStore

bhbt play store

Tenny News is a comprehensive and user-friendly news application that keeps you informed and up-to-date with the latest happenings from around the world. With a clean and intuitive interface, our app offers a seamless news reading experience for users of all ages.

Duration : 2 months

Business domain : News & Magazines

Service provided : UI/UX Designing, Development, Testing, Maintenance & Support

Technologies : React native, FireStore

bhbt play store
black hat bucks tech expertise
black hat bucks tech expertise

Masjid-e-Jhabua: Ramadan-Quran is a comprehensive and user-friendly news application that keeps you informed and up-to-date with the latest happenings from around the world. With a clean and intuitive interface, our app offers a seamless news reading experience for users of all ages.

Duration : 4 months

Business domain : Religious & Productivity

Service provided : UI/UX Designing, Development, Testing, Maintenance & Support

Technologies : java, FireStore

bhbt play store